вторник, 24 июня 2014 г.

Online Investment - Timing Is Everything

Online Investment - Timing Is Everything

They say that 'timing is everything' and it's never more than true when looking committing to an online investment. For the comedian, actor, athlete and politician timing is a key skill in success. Being in the right place at the right time is part of the skill (or luck) of any kind of success. The basketball or football player needs to be doing the right thing when the scout is about. The busker singing on the street can have their lives changed if a record producer happens to be walking past.

So is success down to luck - well yes and no. I'm a big believer in creating your own luck. If you put yourself about, take risks (albeit calculated ones) and put yourself in situations where opportunity can be seized.

The most common piece of investment advice given is 'get into property' and as a general rule it's sound advice. Property in general appreciates in value over time and delivers a return on investment significantly better than any bank or savings scheme can offer. However - timing can make or break the investment opportunity. Many have been caught short by entering the property market at the wrong time and making very little - and in some sad cases ending up in negative equity. If you buy in a town that is on the rise - then you'll make money from your investment. If you buy in town and a factory then lays of 1,000 employees causing widespread unemployment - there's a good chance that you could lose money, see very little growth or have to wait a long time to see a return on your investment.

If I could give only one piece of investment advice it would be to develop the skill of being able to spot opportunities. Broaden your perspective think laterally and learn how to read how events will shape things financially and then make calculated decisions based on those factors. If you can learn this new kind of thinking then you will see investment opportunities others miss and most importantly you will see them in time to get in early.

For a prime example of a time sensitive online investment opportunity that will give you a fantastic return on investment go to http://online-investment-secrets.com.

Original pictures take https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DHSpNqqmfaA site

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